Finishing Options for Flat Packs
Over the years of building speakers cabinets, there are several things that I have learned about the process. The first is that...

When Passive Radiators Are Better Than Ports
Let’s be honest, passive radiators add a whole lot more to the cost of a system than a standard port, even though they both work on the...

New Things Coming in the New Year!
Big things are on the horizon in the new year for us at CSS. Within the next few weeks, we'll have a bare MDF flat pack available for our...

What is a House Curve and Do You Need One?
I’ve found over the years that house curves are something that are almost as universally misinterpreted as the Fletcher-Munson curves....

New Criton 1TD Customer Demo Program
We at CSS know that it’s hard to justify spending money on speakers you’ve never heard before. That’s why we’ve decided to implement an in-h

(Mis)understanding the Fletcher-Munson Curve
The Fletcher-Munson curve is often brought up in audio forums when people get into discussions of why you should or shouldn’t design...

Measurements vs Ears: What is correct?
This is one of the most debated topics on internet audio forums, probably a close second behind cable arguments. The topic comes up again...

DIY 3D Printed Circle Jig Router Guide
There are a few circle jigs available for woodworkers, and even some specifically geared toward speaker builders. While these readily...

New Kit in the Works!
We're voicing our new kit! It utilizes our own CSS LD22 paired with the Satori MW13P. What a great combo for a small format speaker. This...

Welcome to the new CSS!
We're finally live! We're excited to be back up and running and really looking forward to bringing back some great CSS products in the...