The Back Order Situation
Update 1/15/22: Woofers have finally arrived!!! We will begin processing through the large number of back orders in the order they were received and then start shipping new orders. New orders might be delayed until the end of the week or early next for shipping but we have plenty of woofers to cover new orders for the next several months.
Update 1/11/22: Unfortunately we are still waiting on a final delivery date. The logistics company we work with has been trying to reach out to the company that is supposed to be moving the shipment from the rail yard but so far no updated progress. We apologize for the delay and will continue to update you as we get any new statuses.
Update 12/27/21: Our shipment made it to the rail yard on December 14 as scheduled. On Dec 23 we received an update that the rail yard is backed up and looking at a few weeks of delay to move containers. We are still waiting on a final delivery date but it looks like it will be after the first of the year before it arrives.
Update 12/13/21: We received notification over the weekend that our shipment has already been processed through the port made its way all the way to Chicago. It is due in to Detroit on 12/14. Typically it's been about 1 week to process through the rail yard and then 2-7 business days to get delivered to us. With the holidays, we are expecting some potential delays from the trucking carriers but we could have LDW7s back in stock between Christmas and New Years. We'll be off on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, and New Years, but will be working in between to process back orders that have already come in.
Update 12/5/21: We have been notified that the ship arrived at the port of Los Angeles on December 2 and is being processed for customs clearance. That does not mean the ship is being unloaded yet. The most recent news I'm hearing is about a 3-4 week delay in processing through the ports and then we will have to await truck transit to our facility.

We tried to make it through without having to place product out of stock and have done very well for the last year and a half. We've finally succumbed to the high demand we've seen this year coupled with supply chain issues and had to place all our Criton kits on back order.
First of all, we want to say thank you to all our customers for the year we've had so far. Part of this back order is due to the growth we've seen in business and we truly appreciate that. Last year, we ordered double the amount of inventory we had from the year prior, which arrived in April and March. We've gone through all of that inventory in roughly 7 months, about 4 months faster than we originally expected.
In July, we started production of another round of woofers for our Criton kits and again doubled the amount. Unfortunately supply chain issues put these on a slower pace than normal to get to us. Those woofers are currently on a boat due to arrive next week at the port of Los Angeles, which is currently the most backed up port in the U.S. Under normal conditions from a few years ago, we would be about 3 weeks out from port arrival to arrival at our facility. Given the current situation, we can't give a good estimate on when we think these will be ready to ship. We've heard stories as bad as 2-3 months of time from arrival at the port to having things in hand.
With that said, we want everyone to know that ordering now will secure the once a year Black Friday discount and your order will ship as soon as we have drivers in hand. We'll keep you updated for any major milestones to give you a better idea of the timeline as we get updates ourselves.