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Criton 1TD-X

Criton 2TD-X

Criton 3TD-X

Positive-Feedback: "I return to my original statement regarding the Criton 3TD-X's being an incredibly engaging loudspeaker, offering out music that goes beyond detail, clarity, and imaging, and becomes absolutely mesmerizing. The cymbals are so precise, the acoustic guitars so crisp, and the drums so tight, but it is the overall experience that pulls me for the entire LP"

Audio Science Review: "Objectively, the 3TD-X comes close to our target for frequency response and aces distortion measurements... Subjective listening tests impressed me more than objective data, putting a smile on my face on track after track. I can easily say that this is the best KIT speaker I have tested."

CRiton 1TD

Criton 2TD


Torii Tower S4

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